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private driving instructor rates

Private driving instructor rates in Singapore start from just $35/hr depending on the location, auto or manual. Peak hours are up to $5 extra per hour. Peak hours are weekdays outside of office hours and weekends. Kindly WhatsApp Us at 8118 0135 to check on the current and latest rates.

affordable lessons

We understand that affordability is a cause for concern for many of our drivers. Hence we strive to keep lesson rates as low and as affordable as possible so that you do not burn a hole in your pocket. 

Driving a Car
Driving Lesson

FLexible pay as you go

We understand that many of you prefer the flexibility of paying per each lesson as you go. Thus we do not implement any packages or one shot payment of the whole course unlike the schools. By doing pay as you go, you can pay whenever you choose to book your next lessons, thus giving you the most flexibility and affordability.

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